Arrival route


The headquarter (meeting point) is the Restaurant Weimann at the Bergstraße 49.

This is also the meeting place for visitors / spectators who can ride from there to the tracks.

The first track starts ca. 7:00am, but it is possible for a visitor to join one of the following.


⇒ Arrive from the direction Hamburg / Hannover - Highway 'westside Berliner Ring' A 10 (E 55)

⇒ Arrive from the direction Dresden - Highway 'eastside Berliner Ring' A 10 (E 55)

⇒ Arrive from the direction Berlin - Highway A 111 (E 26)


bigger map on Google



⇒ from Berlin - Take the S-Bahn S 25 to the endstation Hennigsdorf and get there take the regional train RE 6 towards Neuruppin

⇒ from Berlin - Take the S-Bahn S 25 to the endstation Hennigsdorf and get there take the bus 824 towards Oranienburg

⇒ from Neuruppin - Take the regional train RE 6 towards Hennigsdorf

⇒ from Oranienburg - Take the bus 824 towards Hennigsdorf