18 April 2012
Day 1
16.00 up to 18.00 clock - official opening at the oven Museum Velten
19 April 2012
Day 2
20 April 2012
Day 3
21 April 2012
Day 4
20.00 clock - Festive Evening
22 April 2012
Day 5
Closing Ceremony - announcement of the results and conclusion of the 18th FCI World Championship for the Tracking Dog


Events, Shows at the Worldchampionship:
- Tues 17/04 - from 19.00 clock
Matey togetherness - Velten Rugby Club "Empor 1969" - Wed 18/04 - 16.00 up to 18.00 clock
Official opening at the oven Museum Velten - Sat 21/04 - 20.00 clock
Festive Evening - Sun 22/04 - ... clock
Closing Ceremony - announcement of the results and conclusion of the 18th FCI World Championship for the Tracking Dog
Program Schedule
Schedule, Team list:
- 15th - 18/04/2012 Arrival of participants
- 16th & 17/04/2012 Training
- 18/04/2012 Registrations, veterinary control, draw, meetings
- 19th - 22/04/2012 Scheduled Competitions
- 22/04/2012 Closing Ceremony

- Program plan to download and print:
german HERE !
english HERE !
The headquarter (meeting point) is the Restaurant Weimann at the Bergstraße 49.
This is also the meeting place for visitors / spectators who can ride from there to the tracks.
The first track starts ca. 7:00am, but it is possible for a visitor to join one of the following.
Public Festive Evening - Sa 21/04/2012 - Ofen-Stadt-Halle Velten
Ticket sales at the organizer office 'Restaurant Weimann'
Mo 16/04/ - Do 19/04/2012 - 8:00 -16:00 clock -
entry fee 15 € inclusive Buffet
GUIDELINES for the international utility dog trials and the international tracking dog trial of the FCI
These Rules were approved by the FCI General Committee in Rom on April 13 2011. They are effective from January 1st 2012.
⇒ FCI Regulations 2012 IPO FH - from page 118 (.pdf)
FCI PDF english